Come visit the Korean Film Festival SP!

Entry is free!

August 15, 16, 17 and 18, 2023

Venue: Engenho Central Theater

Address: Av. Dr Maurice Allain, 454 – Parque do Engenho Central – Piracicaba/SP

You will have the opportunity to cover our event at Teatro do Engenho Central, in Piracicaba, São Paulo, from August 15 to 18.

▶️ KOFF – Korean Film Festival SP will choose an accredited press group to cover the event and behind the scenes.

▶️ The interest must be informed by e-mail until August 5 with the sending of the media kit, if any, or information about the vehicle.

▶️ Wait for the response via email that we will send the confirmation or not of the selection, as well as more information about how the work dynamics will be.

▶️ Up to 2 (two) people representing the same press vehicle will be accredited, to be decided by the organization.

▶️ The organization of the event will NOT bear travel expenses or other payments!
