KOFF - Korean Film Festival

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Fetival de Filme coreano CREDENCIAMENTO em Piracicaba São Paulo

KOFF Brazil - Korean Film Festival

Korean Film Festival presents ACCREDITATION


You will have the opportunity to cover our event in Piracicaba and São Paulo.

▶️ program – SP Korean Film Festival will choose a group of press credentials that will allow coverage of the event and behind the scenes.

▶️ Interest must be communicated by email imprensa@koffko.com.br until 05/08 with the sending of the media kit if you have it or information about the vehicle.

▶️ Wait for a response via email and we will send confirmation or not of the selection, as well as more information about what the work dynamics will be like.

▶️ Accreditation will be carried out for up to two (2) people representing the same press vehicle, to be decided by the organization.

▶️ The event organization will NOT cover travel expenses or other payments!

Entry is free!

Days: October 3 to 9, 2024

Local: Reserva Cultural

Address: Av. Paulista, 900, Bela Vista, São Paulo

