Korean cinema has established itself as a powerful and relevant force in the current film scene. Its notoriety is driven by its ability to create engaging and captivating narratives that transcend cultural and language barriers. Korean filmmakers are experts at telling authentic and profound stories, whether through thrilling dramas, gripping thrillers, or clever comedies.

Parasita (2019), de Bong Joon-ho
Parasita (2019), from Bong Joon-ho

Winning international awards, such as the Palme d’Or at Cannes and the Best Picture Oscar for Bong Joon-ho’s “Parasite” in 2020, has put the spotlight on Korean cinema, highlighting its artistic quality and unique storytelling. In addition, the films address relevant social and political issues, exploring complex themes in insightful and provocative ways.

Commercial success both at home and abroad reinforces its influence and ability to attract international collaborations, expanding its reach and influence. In the current context, it plays a crucial role in the diversification and globalization of the film scene. Its presence in the international market has encouraged the production of films with more diverse stories and perspectives, enriching the global narrative and promoting inclusion.

Oldboy (2003), from Park Chan-wook

Films like “Oldboy”, “The Handmaiden”, “Train to Busan”, ” Broker”, have been acclaimed by both critics and audiences, and their impact transcends borders. The growing fan base of Korean cinema is a testament to its quality and ability to entertain and move viewers of different cultural backgrounds.

Korean films are known for their ability to embrace tradition and innovation simultaneously, honoring the country’s rich cultural heritage while employing contemporary cinematic techniques. Filmmakers are also admired for their boldness and authenticity, exploring controversial themes and challenging narrative conventions.

Korean cinema will continue to evolve and captivate audiences, reaffirming itself as a creative and inspiring force pushing the entertainment industry to new horizons.

We invite you to the Korean Film Festival SP, where you can appreciate the richness, diversity and talent of this remarkable cinematography!
